Boysen - The No.1 Paint
Boysen - The No.1 Paint
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KNOxOUT Depolluting Paint - The Paint activated by Cristal Nanotechnologies

Proof It Works

Proof it Works » Technology Put To Test » Vinci Car Park, Paris, France

Depolluting Coating Solution
Vinci Car Park, Paris, France

A trial conducted in a Paris car park under fluorescent lighting conditions showed that reductions in NOx levels could be as high as 90 percent depending on the amount of light reaching the paint. 

  • Objective – to reduce pollution and be self cleaning under florescent light conditions.
  • A water – based photocatalytic paint applied.
  • Test area – 1800m2 (900 walls & 900 ceiling).
  • Date of application : 16th August 2007, onto a primer.
  • Amount of paint used : 300L (consumption rate 5.6m2/l).

Vinci Car Park, Paris, France

Vinci Car Park, Paris, France

Paris, Car Park Entrance

Paris, Car Park Entrance

Paris, Car Park Entrance

Paris, Car Park Entrance

Installation of perspex boxes for nitrate build up