Boysen - The No.1 Paint
Boysen - The No.1 Paint
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KNOxOUT Depolluting Paint - The Paint activated by Cristal Nanotechnologies

Things To Know!

Things To Know » Applications


KNOxOUT will be of most benefit in areas with high NOx and VOC levels, such as car parks and buildings, houses and infrastructure in urban areas.

Air pollutant levels are usually higher in car parks due to dense vehicle traffic and enclosed spaces. KNOxOUT can make the air healthier for users and employees by decreasing the amount of NOx and VOCs.

According to studies done by the California Air Resources Board, residents near freeways are more susceptible to pollution related illnesses:

  • Reduced lung function in children was associated with traffic density, especially trucks, within 1,000feet.
  • Increased asthma hospitalizations among people living within 650 feet of heavy traffic and heavy truck volume.
  • Asthma symptoms increased with proximity to roadways; risk was greatest within 300 feet.
  • Asthma and bronchitis symptoms in children were associated with proximity to high traffic in a community with good overall regional air quality.
  • Medical visits were higher among children living within 550 feet of heavy traffic.
  • Diesel exhaust contains fine particles, a type of pollution linked with early deaths among people with heart disease. Some research has shown that heavy exposure can trigger heart attacks, and that long term exposure contributes to plaque build-up in arteries.

Painting buildings, homes and road infrastructure near roads with heavy vehicle traffic can help protect the health of people living, working and playing in these areas.